Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Broken Committments

Ok, so i didnt keep to my committment of posting a blog a week since January.

Well---we have been busy, working on the house , helping the country, attending church, travelling the world, writing a book, doing marathons, swimming the channel, doing the Dahka rally.

Alright , the first one is the only accurate one but it might have been some of the others--you never know.

Anyway i didnt post and i regret that so this week i fly to Greece to join the Boss, who is getting the house ready for easter and i will use some of that time to re-start the Blog.

Cant wait to get there as the Greek Easter is the best time in the world-- both from the religous festival and the whole of the family culture and we are very proud to be able to be part of the Antonio's Easter celebration on Aegina Island.

So the next 3 weeks will be interesting ---easter, looking at cars and more importantly watching the Chelsea attempt at the double---how good would that be. :-)

See you soon with posts and pictures.