Wednesday, 25 April 2018

USA Road Trip 2018

Back , by popular demand --- OK , that's stretching it a bit -- are Philyndas Travels.

23rd April 2018 and we are off from this -- 
to this
From Gatwick to Orlando and for the first nights stay in a hotel on Daytona Beach -- but I am getting g ahead of myself as usual.
Anyone else get into a queue for a plane and spot all those couples with small children , very small children. So there you are standing in the queue seeing these families all exited about flying to -- in the most part -- Disney world, and your feeling a bit smug because you realise that if anyone is going to have the screaming child sitting next, in front or behind you , its gonna be those folk in economy and not you because your in Premium Economy.
So imagine the horror when this fairly young couple sat down in front with a 20 month old little boy, and your there thinking , -- why us -- and we have a 9 hour journey coming up.
Well to that couple I say, congratulations on the way you treat and manage this young man because he was so good -- not a winge all flight and when not sleeping he was with one or the other , reading him books and looking at Pepper Pig -- the beauty of having Grandsons.
So no disturbances, an uneventful flight, apart from Lynda snapping off her ear phone jack in the socket while watching a movie.
So we went to the Avis desk and picked up our SUV--
No Ford edge so the guy gave us the Ford Explorer-- we found it in the car park and decided that if Lynda was ever going to share in the driving then the increase in the size was definitely going to be an issue -- it was a big motor.
So it was back to the desk and did a swap for this little beauty--
The Mercedes GC300 SUV , which is the same size as the ford Edge that we wanted and drives really well.
So finally sorted we headed off to Daytona Beach but of course as we didn't get there till around 8 pm, it was getting dark so it was wait till the morning
but it was worth the wait--
Amazing first morning, but we had not done what we wanted to do which was to drive on Daytona Beach , so the very nice man wavered the usual $20 bucks to allow these old Brits to drive on to this hallowed bed of sand.
So that being done all before 08.30 in the morning deserved our first visit to a --
-- for Breakfast -- they are good.
So after all that excitement we headed off up towards Jacksonville which was our second night stop. But not before we found our first Designer Outlet stores -- nope -- not for us the Gucci or the Calvens or Prada -- for us it was all about the Sketchers -- and before anyone says they wouldn't wear a pair of Sketchers ever -- Nike only-- or Converse -- you need to know that Sketchers are now the number 2 in the world behind Nike and I put it down to Lynda and me starting to wear them in the last 6 years. I mean after all -- we did come out of this store yesterday with 6 pairs- well we didn't bring any trainers over here and with the cost reductions -- to quote Lynda -- they were a bargain so these are my choice for today.
 Ok so there should have been a whole bunch of photos that Lynda took yesterday but wouldn't you know it , the one thing I had to do, apart from remembering to put some trousers on before we left the house was -- sort out all the cables that we needed to service all the devices and the one for the camera to the USB port on the tablet to download the pictures -- not in the bag so it will be a Walmart sometime soon I think.
We had a great couple of hours drive around Amelia Island but I have only this map in lieu of the pictures that I hope will come later
So that's it for the first blog of this road trip, nothing too dramatic or breath taking but really nice anyway so lots more photos.
Ok , time to hit the road then ---
Tallahassee here we come.


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