Today see's me back down to the M+W office in Chippenham, but not until I have a check-up with my respiratory Nurse at the local surgery -- so this is a follow-up from the one I had prior to Xmas. This is predominantly to check my breathing, and to see how the body monitors such as Blood Pressure, Heart Rate etc to keep an eye on any bad signs that need to be addressed.
It is worth pointing out that around 5 very famous persons have died in the past month and as they are around the same age as me, anyone who tells me that they don't think of their Mortality must be either mad or blind , because not to think about what you are doing and what you could do is kind of strange to me.
So this is just that--to see what if anything needs to be done to postpone the inevitable as long as possible. I started on an inhaler once a day just before Christmas and I have to say that this one puff a day has made me notice that my breathing under pressure is far better so I can live with doing that .
I and everyone else should remember that if you end up like me --- up until around 14 years ago -- I was smoking around 20 to 30 cigarettes a day for around 30 years and like all great EX smokers , I can talk for England regarding how bad that was and how bad smoking still is, and especially if it includes smokers within my family or future family--- I mean , come on, I should be a good example to anyone close as to why you want to give up this drug. I don't think I would have been able to do anywhere near the things that Lynda and I are continuing to do.
I am certain that I would not have been able to do the kind of trip that we have just completed down under.
So reflecting on what we have just returned from is both easy and difficult at the same time if that is possible. There are somethings that are very easy to be positive about --- meeting up with these guys---
Some meetings planned--And some totally unplanned and kind of fatalistical
Not all the family here but great positives for us to remember and to reinforce the need to stay in contact.
There were those special places---
Memories and these just a few--there are so many more-- but these are the difficult bits when you try to answer the questions about what was the best thing there on the trip-- what stood out more than anything else--- well on reflection, for me it turns out to be very easy.
It was spending the last 5 weeks with this beautiful lady, of having our sing songs as we drove, having more laughs that you'd get from a Billy Connelly concert, more sharing of some great experiences of things that we have seen and eaten and generally where we saw things together for the first time.
So the Anticipation bit is what the future holds for us both.
I love you partner and I could do this travelling around with you forever---just get on a plane and drive wherever and never stop.